
Eribel manufactures and installs a wide range of bulletproof windows, doors, counters, and other joinery. The purpose of bulletproof is to prevent bullet penetration. Eribel offers products up to class FB6, tested according to European standards in a recognized laboratory.

Check out our bulletproof products



Bulletproof Capability

Het kogelwerend vermogen wordt gedefinieerd als de weerstand van het schrijnwerk tegen kogelperforatie. De Europese standaard EN1522 onderscheidt zeven weerstandsklassen afhankelijk van het type wapen, het kaliber en de samenstelling van de kogel. 

In addition to these seven bulletproof resistance classes, there are also classes SG1 and SG2 for shotguns (riot guns) and class AK47 (or Kalashnikov), which was defined after the standard was established. For example, a bulletproof glazed wall of class FB6 can withstand at least three hits from a 7.62x51 caliber rifle.

Shooting Test

During the test, various firearms and calibers are used to shoot at the test specimen. The type of ammunition also determines the bullet penetration. The following types are distinguished:

  • Lead bullet (L)
  • Round-nose bullet (RN)
  • Full metal jacket bullet (FMJ)
  • Copper-plated full metal jacket bullet (FJ)
  • Soft-core bullet (SC)
  • Soft-core bullet with internal steel core (SCP1)
  • Conical bullet (CB)
  • Flat-nose bullet (FN)
  • Pointed bullet (PB)
  • Hard-core bullet (HC)

Each connection is tested by firing three shots at different locations from a distance of five or ten meters. Joinery meets a specific class if there is no bullet penetration or if no fragments from the equipment have detached on the secure side during bullet impact.

Standards EN 1522-1523
Classes FB1

Secondary Performance

Our bulletproof windows, doors, and other joinery can have an additional feature added: tamper or burglary resistance.