
Eribel manufactures and installs an extensive range of burglar-resistant doors, windows, and other interior joinery. The purpose of burglary resistance is to prevent unauthorized access or to obstruct escape attempts. We offer products up to RC4 class according to the European standard, or P1 AE20 class according to the Belgian standard of the FPS Justice. Both standards are tested in a recognized institution.

Check out our burglar-resistant products

Burglary-Delay Capability

To be considered tamper-resistant or burglar-resistant, the element must possess a homogeneous burglary-delay capability. We define this capability as the resistance of the joinery against static load, dynamic load, and a manual attack attempt.


  Burglar Static load Manual attack test
Toolset Resistance time
P3 AE10 2x Experienced 500 kg Justice 2x 10 min
P2 AE20 2x Experienced 2500 kg Justice 2x 20 min
P1 AE20 2x Experienced 3500 kg Justice 2x 20 min
P0 AE20 2x Experienced 7500 kg Justice 2x 20 min

Static Load

During static tests, we apply a test load at various points on the test element. We increase the load linearly until the maximum test load (15 kN) is reached, and maintain it for a certain period of time.

The element fails the static test if the maximum allowable displacement for the intended strength class and the applied load type during the test is exceeded.

Dynamic Load

The dynamic tests are conducted on test elements from strength classes 1 to 3, which have passed the static tests. In these tests, we drop an impactor (double band of 50 kg) from a specified height onto several points determined by the standard on the test ide of the element.

Manual Attact Test

Manual tests are conducted on test elements from strength classes 2 to 6, which have successfully passed both static and dynamic tests.

During the manual test, using a specific set of tools, we identify the weak and vulnerable spots of the test element. Subsequently, we proceed with the actual burglary attempt, aiming to force an opening within a specified time frame. The tools and the test door are selected based on the intended strength class.

  Europe Justice Belgium
Standards EN 1627 (Requirements and classification)
EN 1628 (Static load)
EN 1629 (Dynamic load)
EN 1630 (Manual attack test)
Belgian Standard FPS Justice
- Static Load
- Manual Attack Test
Classes RC1
P3 AE10
P2 AE20
P1 AE20
P0 AE20

Secondary Performances

Our burglar-resistant products can have one or more additional performances added: acoustic, fire-resistant, bulletproof, airtight, smoke-resistant, and thermal insulation.